Patient Information

Nicotine Vaping

From 1 October 2021, consumers require a prescription for all purchases of nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine. This includes purchases from Australian pharmacies and from overseas.
Consumer information for nicotine vape from the TGA can be accessed from the link below.
 Australia has the highest cigarette prices in the world, calculate how much you spend on smoking by clicking on the link below.
A useful New Zealand link for nicotine vaping facts
  • Smoking causes more than 7000 chemicals and toxins released when burning tobacco
  • Vaping is a second line treatment in Australia (however the most effective way) for smokers who cannot quit with conventional treatments
  • Vaping is on average about 10% of cost and is 95% less risk compare to smoking cigarette
  • It is illegal to have nicotine vape in Australia without a prescription.